Indochina Monographs


by Lt. Gen. Ngo Quang Truong

Published by U.S. Army Center Of Military History


by Lt. Gen. Ngo Quang Truong


AO Area of Operation
APC Armored Personnel Carrier
ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam. Common abbreviation used to refer to regular army forces to include airborne and ranger units
ARDF Airborne Radio Direction Finding
CAV Cavalry (U.S.)
CBU U.S. Air Force anti-personnel bombs dropped in clusters
COSVN Central Office for South Vietnam (Communist Party)
CP Command Post
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
DRAC Delta Regional Assistance
FRAC First Regional Assistance
FSB Fire Support Base
FSCC Fire Support Coordination Center
FWMA(F) Free World Military Assistance (Forces)
GVN Government of South Vietnam
HALO High Altitude, Low Opening
JGS Joint General Staff, RVNAF
LTL Vietnamese inter-provincial route (Lien Tinh Lo)
LZ Landing Zone
LAW Light Antitank Weapon
MACV Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
Main Force Viet Cong and North Vietnamese military units subordinate to COSVN, military regions, or other higher echelons of enemy command
MR Military Region (RVN)
NVA North Vietnamese Army
PRG Provisional Revolutionary Government (Viet Cong)
QL Vietnamese National Route (Quoc Lo)
RF and PF Regional Force(s) and Popular Force(s). Military forces recruited and employed within a province
RVN Republic of Vietnam. Sometimes used inter-changeably with GVN when referring to the government or with SVN when referring to the country.
RVNAF Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces
SAM Surface-to-air missile
SOI Signal Operating Instructions
SRAG Second Regional Assistance Group
STZ Special Tactical Zone (Biet khu)
SVN South Vietnam. Generally connotes the land itself
TAE Target Acquisition Element
TAOR Tactical Area of Responsibility
TL Vietnamese Provincial Route (Tinh Lo)
TRAC Third Regional Assistance Command
TOW Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided (missile)
USAF United States Air Force
VC Viet Cong. Communist insurgents in South Vietnam
VCI Viet Cong Infrastructure
VNAF Vietnam Air Force