How are torque and force similar? How are they different?
1 Answer
Force is in general translational (along a straight line; vectorial), while torque is angular, or rotational (the only effective component is the one perpendicular to a lever arm).
Force in the general sense is a vector influence that accelerates or decelerates a mass, and is given in
#vecF = mveca = mddotq# ,where
#q# is the general position coordinate,#ddotq = (del^2q)/(delt^2)# , and#veca# is acceleration in#"m/s"^2# .#m# is mass in#"kg"# .
When one takes the cross product with the distance
#vectau = vecr xx vecF#
#= |r| cdot |F| cdot sintheta = |r| cdot F_(_|_)# ,where
#theta# is the angle between#vecF# and the lever arm. You can see only the perpendicular component of#vecF# imparts torque.
Torque is also a vector, since it is due to a cross product of two vectors, but is angular in character. We also see torque written as:
#vectau = I vecalpha# ,where
#vecalpha# is the angular acceleration in#"rad/s"^2# and#I# is the moment of inertia in#"kg"cdot"m"^2# . This can be seen as the rotational analogue of Newton's second law.